Expand C: drive
- Windows has Recovery partition that blocks expand C drive.
Added 50.00GB to Disk 0 however, Recovery partition is in between those partitions.
Disable Windows RE
- Disable Windows RE
C:\Windows\system32>ReAgentc.exe /disable
- example output
Delete Revovcery partition
- Delete Recovery partition
DISKPART> select disk 0
DISKPART> list partition
DISKPART> select partition 3 delete partition override - example output
- Confirm deleted
Extend Volume
- Extend Volume
- extend volume using wizard. Please remain 1GB for recovery partition
- Confirm the result. it should have un-allocated space 1GB.
Create Recovery partition
- Create recovery partition
DISKPART> create partition primary
DISKPART> format quick fs=ntfs
DISKPART> set id=27
- example output
Re-enable Windows RE
- enable Windows RE
C:\Windows\system32>ReAgentc.exe /enable
- example output
- Refresh Disk Management window
- Then confirm Recovery partition is Healthy
Confirm Recovery parition
- restart Windows
C:\Windows\system32>shutdown /r /o /t 0
- Choose keyboard layout
- Choose troubleshoot
- Confirm 'Advanced options' shows like below. if failed to setup recovery partition advanced option does not show
- Restart computer, done.
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